Snug Torque - Yokota - Microntech Engineers

SNUG TORQUE - Yokota In today’s blog topic the discussion will be about the snug point when the bolt is tightened and its significance in bolt tightening. Bolting joints are one of the most commonly used methods to join various parts together in construction and machines. They consist of bolts that hold and join other parts and are secured with the interlinking of the threads of bolt and nut. There are two main types of bolted joint designs like in the tension joint, the joint should be designed such that the clamp load is never overcome by the external tension forces acting to separate the joint. If the external forces override the clamp load then the clamped joint will separate, allowing the free movement of the part which is not a part of bolting a joint. There are various torque control methods for tightening the bolts each method uses a different technique and...