How to check if your pulse tool needs servicing
How to check if your
pulse tool needs servicing
impulse wrenches are widely used for tightening jobs in the assembly industry,
where accurate torque tolerances are necessary. Impulse tools are light,
powerful, small and very importantly, have no kick-back. Evaluation of
tightening processes in car assembly shows that tightening joints uses 10% of
the total assembly time. Working with faster tools, therefore, can speed up
assembly lines substantially.
The pulse unit of the tool is used to generate the torque or power on the tool such that toque can achieve to a certain range of the tool. Due to this pulse unit, vibration becomes very minimal and the operator can use the tool by holding through a single hand at a certain torque limit.

The basic configuration of the tool:-
There can be many problems that occur if the tool having a certain toque range, but the tool is not able to achieve that range and taking many pulses, taking many pulses means the tool is trying to reach the target value of the toque set. Reasons behind this more pulses can be:-

2. Effect of air pressure: - There is a main role of pressure in pneumatic tools. It gives the main power to run the tool. Normally tool requires constant 4 – 6 bar pressure to run the tool. But due to somehow if the pressure of air is not sufficient or within this range, the tool gives many pulses to reach the toque and also it affects the accuracy of the tool.
3. Effect of leakage in the airline: - Due to leakage there may but an uneven drop of torque that can happen and the tool took much time to reach the set torque.
4. Effect of more tools online and less horsepower of compressor: - This is also a critical situation of the tool if there is not sufficient power back up to reach the tool at set toque. Power backup must be needed very powerful so that the tool can get a constant and sufficient supply of air.
So, if there is any problem facing this effects the tool must be needed to servicing.
Microntech is a channel partner for YOKOTA in India, having local sales and service support all over India. Microntech has a team of experts that can help you understand the torque process. It is a premier assembly solution provider in India with global experience. To know more about assembly solutions provided by Microntech please visit our website or you can contact your nearest Microntech branch to schedule a demo or a visit for any issues you are facing on your assembly line.
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